What's New and Update History

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GigBag Pro

V2024.8.1 (Nov 2024)

* Fixed a crash when adding new contacts

V2024.8 (Nov 2024)

* Introducing a new Floating button that allows you to visualize and switch seamlessly between grouping layouts. (Can be turned on/off in settings.)

* Gear and Song items now have an undo-all button on the toolbar.  This will return all edits to the saved version of your song or gear item.

* The Gear Detail view has been enhanced with a clearer and more elegant layout, providing you with all the necessary information.

* Enhance your task management by displaying your gear notes alongside your checklists. Choose Note 1, Note 2, or both to include additional information (set in the Checklist menu.)

V2024.7 (Oct 2024)

Home Screen

• Simpler Home Screen layout.  No more jumping in and out of Home Screen between Live and Edit modes 

Library enhancements

• New Song layout.  Edit, tune, and play your song in one location with the Edit/Audition/Play tabs.

• Search for song title OR artist name in Song Library

Setlist Enhancements

• New Checklist layout.  Select, check in, check out, filter and reset in one location

• New Setlist layout.  Select songs, edit setlist order, play setlist live in one location

• New menu options in Live Setlist Play/scrolling to hide or display various labels/elements

• Search for song title OR artist name when selecting/adding songs to your Setlist

• New "Count Off" feature;- Metronome button now has 3 states;- On, Off, and "Count Off"

 - Count Off mode stops the Visual Metronome 5 seconds after scrolling starts.  This is perfect if you need the metronome to get a song started, but do not want it distracting you for the entire song.

V2024.6 (Sep 2024)

V2024.4 (Jun 2024) - Simpler, more logical layout

All of the above changes hopefully make the GigBag Pro experience simpler, easier, and faster to use.

V2024.3 (Apr 2024) - Better sync,  more real-estate in Live Setlist

V2024.2  (Mar 2024) - Better handling of multi-page PDF's

V2024.1  (Feb 2024) - New display options when creating a Setlist

Show/Hide: Artist, Style, Key, Time Signature, Duration Wizard, and Song Length.

V2023.3  (Nov 2023) - Sleep Mode

V2023.2  (April 2023) - Home Screen Refresh

V2023.1  (May 2023) - Pricing/feature changes

V2022.10  (September 2022) - Feature changes

● V2022.9  (August 2022) - New features, better workflow

● V2022.8.1 & V2022.8.2 - MInor Bug-fixes🕷 - (Export Gear)

● V2022.8  (June 2022) - Across the board tweaks & improvements

Home screen:


Gig Modes


Semi-Pro - initial purchase with limitations (If you downloaded the previous free version, you get this upgrade)

Pro - single IAP to remove all limits

● V2022.7 (May 2022) - Dynamic Text Zoom + Folio

You may have perfect pitch, but maybe the eyes are fading a bit.  So this release will fully support Apple's dynamic text sizing.  All buttons, text and label font sizes throughout GigBag will change by simply adjusting the font size on your iPhone/iPad's control panel 🤓

See FAQ's

New Gig Folio

This feature is so important the only mystery is why it was not the first thing I coded🤔

You can now keep the Running Order (timed events), ToDo's and Notes for the gig all in one place.  No more swapping between notes/todo and calendar apps.

All items are specific to this Gig only.  If a Gig is copied, all items are also copied.

● V2022.6 (Apr 2022) - Themes

● V2022.5 (Feb 2022) - Redesigned Home Screen

● V2022.4 (Feb 2022) - Enhanced Live Setlist view

New features: 

Enhanced Live Setlist view.  You may want to display the setlist and leave it there for the whole Gig (without the scrolling using lyrics/chords view), but need just a little bit more info than is currently available.  So...

LIVE mode

Also, added the ability to "fast edit" a song from the LIVE view.... e.g. quickly change start delay, scroll speed, zoom, then jump straight back to your LIVE gig.


● V2022.3 (Jan 2022) Contacts library, autoscroll, metronome

● v2022.2 (Dec 2021) - support email link


Song Library: 

● v2022.1 (Dev 2021)

GigBag Song Setlist

V2024.7.2  ( Dec 28th 2024)

V2024.7  ( Nov 2024)

* Introducing a new Floating button that allows you to visualize and switch seamlessly between grouping views. (Can be turned on/off in settings.)

* Songs now have an undo-all button on the toolbar.  This will remove all edits to the saved version of your song item.

V2024.6  (Oct 2024)

New menu options in Live Setlist Play/scrolling to hide or display various labels/elements.

New "Count Off" feature;-

Metronome button now has 3 states;- On, Off, and Count Off ;-

 - Count Off mode stops the Visual Metronome 5 seconds after scrolling starts.  This is perfect if you need the metronome to get a song started, but do not want it distracting you for the entire song.

V2024.5.1  (Sept 2024)

Bugfixes plus some safety when editing a song.

GigBag Setlist has quietly moved from having to hit a save button when editing a song, to automatically saving in background.  This is good for speed and ease, but not so great if you make a mistake and save without knowing.  This release addresses that by having a warning dialogue when exiting your song after an edit (you can optionally turn this dialogue off).

There is now also a confirmation dialogue when clearing the song text/lyrics field (Thank you Kent for that suggestion)

V2024.5  (Aug 2024)

Major re-write.  The Home screen, navigating in/out of Prep Setlist and Live Setlist, and "Select Gig" terminology has been replaced with a simple;-

"Song Library" and "Setlist Library"

V2024.4  (Aug 2024)

Apple Music integration.  See more detail under Help & FAQ's 

V2024.3 (May 2024)

Improved iCloud sync.

More space when in Live Mode: Playing a song will result in less clutter and more area for scrolling text or PDF display.

Improved Menus (Prepare Setlist)

V2024.2  (Mar 2024) - Better handling of multi-page PDF's

•In Live Setlist mode, you can now swipe through a multi-page PDF.

v2024.1  (Mar 2024) - New display options

When you "Prepare Setlist" for your next Gig, new display options are available in Select and Setlist views.

As well as the song name, you can now show/hide: song length, artist, style, key, time signature, and (Setlist view only) duration wizard.

When song length is selected, selected song duration totals and total Gig times are now located at top of screen.

v2023.3  (Jan 2024) - Copy Gig

New feature: Swipe a Gig left-to-right for "Copy Gig" function. All song selection/ setlist information copied. iPad SearchBar look improved

v2023.2  (June 2023) - PDF scanning

Scan your song sheets into GigBag, or navigate to a PDF file on your device/iCloud.

v2022.1 (August 28th 2022) - Initial Release

GigBag Gear  Checklist

V2024.1  (Nov 2024)

Updated to iOS 18, this version boasts numerous refinements and exciting new features;

* The term “Gig” has been replaced with “Checklist” for a more organized and intuitive user experience.

* The Home Screen has undergone a redesign, featuring a simpler layout with only your Gear and Checklist libraries.

* Say goodbye to “Setup” and “Live” modes! Now, you can effortlessly create or select a Setlist and perform all your operations in one convenient place.

* Introducing a new Floating button that allows you to switch seamlessly between Category, Rig, and Custom modes. (Can be turned on/off in settings)

* The Gear Detail view has been enhanced with a clearer and more elegant layout, providing you with all the necessary information.

* A new Checklists Category has been added, enabling you to edit a checklist name (swipe left to right) and assign it to a specific category.

* You can then list or group checklists alphabetically or by category, making it easier to manage your tasks.

* Enhance your task management by displaying your gear notes alongside your checklists. Choose Note 1, Note 2, or both to include additional information (set in menu)

v2022.1 (August 28th 2022) - Initial Release

Developer + '72 Strat
